Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Menghitung hari.,,,

Arghh,,,gak kerasa dah setaun di belanda,,kaya baru kemaren dari cengkareng,,huhuhu
akhirnya semua rasa rindu (hahaha) bakal terobati,,,gw semangat abissss,,,hahahahaha pulang juga,,,kalo dah mau pulang gini mulai deh bingung ma masalah oleh2,,
Semua berharap dibawakan sesuatu yg besar,,haddohh kawan2 harap lihatlah kenyataan bagasi cuma boleh 20 kg,,jadi maap ye yg ntar cuma kebagian coklat ato kue2 manis ato gantungan kunci kecil,,,hihihihi,,,kecuali jullie (kalian) tau lah buat siapa yg gak cuma coklat2 ato kue2 doang,,hihihihi

Thursday, July 26, 2007

An Ocean Apart...

Now we are together, sitting outside in the sunshine
But soon we'll be apart and soon it'll be night at noon
Now things are fine, the clouds are far away up in the sky
But soon I'll be on a plane and soon you'll feel the cold rain
You promised to stay in touch when we're apart
You promised before i left that you'll always love me.
Time goes by, people cry, everything goes too fast.
Now we have each other enjoying each moment with one another
but soon I'll be miles away and soon the phone will be our only way
You promised we'll never brake up over the telephone
You said our love was stronger than an ocean apart
time goes by and people lie, everything goes too fast.
Let's not fool ourselves in vain, this far away trip will give us pain
We'll have to be so strong to keep our love from going wrong
Distance will make us cold, even put our love on hold
but soon we'll meet again and soon it'll be bright at noon again
You promised not to loose faith in our love when i'm away
You promised so much to me but now you've left me
We go by and then we lie all this time we wasted
Time goes by, people lie everything goes too fast.
Time went by, and then we died, everything went too fast.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hari Toga...

Sambungan blog sebelumnya,,,ini hari dimana akhirnya gw bertoga juga,,,walau bukan di ITB

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Landak's Day Paradise

Hari ini resmi sebagai hari landak sedunia,,karena tadi untuk pertama kalinya seumur hidup gw berpapasan dengan seekor landak muda di pinggir rumah,,,dia nyasar jangan2 mau pulang dari acara piknik TK landak...kasian,,,,,,
Ko bisa ada landak di pinggir rumah gw?? unsolved mistery,,,,

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Graduation Day, 12 Juli 2007.
De examencommissie van de bacheloropleiding Milieutechnologie belast met het afnemen van de examens van de bacheloropleiding

Verklaart dat:

Geboren op 22 mei 1985
te Bandung (Indonesie)

Ook mag betrokkene de titel Ingenieur voeren, afgekort tot Ing. voorafgaand aan de naam.

SENANG....akhirnya bisa juga masang titel di depan nama di kartu nama entar,,walau yg penting muatannya,,tapi tetap saja senang,,,,Ing. Muhammad Taufik,,,,tampak keren...wahahaha senang

Monday, July 9, 2007

Menikah yang Spesial

Yup, tadi dapat pemberitahuan pernikahan satu lagi,,sekali lagi : Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru.
Lagi musim menikah ya? bukan gara2 tanggalnya lagi bagus kan? 7-7-7 ? tadi saya berbincang ringan dengan teman seangkatan inisial ** (yah kena sensor juga) katanya mo nikahnya 9-9-9 (siapakah dia??). Ya gud luck dan semoga sukses nyari pendampingnya ya,,,
Oh iya, udah berkali2 gw di sini menemukan cara nikah yang aneh2, kmren waktu ke Edam ada yang nikah diatas jembatan tua..trus ada yang nikah pake kereta labunya ala cinderela yang ditarik pake kuda putih, ada juga yang nikahnya diatas kanoe,,,(kalo yang ini gw ada fotonya,,lagi bawa kamera abisnya) hehehehe,,,,
So, emang hari pernikahan bakal jadi spesial, tapi haruskah tanggalnya yang spesial, caranya yang spesial, tempatnya yang spesial ato apanya kah yang harus spesial? any comment?


Ok, hari ini sedang gelap mata. Bukan karena hujan seharian yang mencegah terjadinya acara jalan keluar rumah, tapi gara2 tidak sengaja mengklik satu link di jejeran link favorit di sisi kiri browser IE.6.
Mengapa saya langsung gelap mata, karena dalam waktu seperseribu detik muncul gambar ukuran besar seperti ini:
Pernah gak mengalami keadaan dimana kita gak bisa berkata2? NAH itulah yang terjadi dalam beberapa detik setelah gambar ini terbuka. Oh iya, kenapa gelap mata? abisnya, satu, sudah hampir setaun gw gak merasakan nikmatnya gambar diatas, dua, gambar ini muncul jam 2 siang, which is jam2 dmn saatnya mengunyah dan mengunyah. Jadi kesal.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Nafsu Duniawi teranyar

Ok, karena sudah mulai gada kerjaan di rumah (padahal masi banyak kalo dibikin list) keluar deh keinginan2 untuk membeli. Dari mulai pengen beli sepatu, sampe beli tas. Padahal bagasi udah hampir penuh, ntar mo dibawa pulang gmn caranya coba. Anyway, namanya juga blog, boleh dong nulis apa aja terserah gw. Ok lets begin.
Item pertama yang pengen gw miliki (posesi terbesar.....) adalah sepatu ini, dikeluarkan oleh Invito, sebuah merk kondang dari negeri pizza disana, dengan harga 80 euro (taun lalu) sekarang udah 60 euro...hadoooh kapan jadi 30 euronya....hiks... sepatu ini sangat bagus dipake dipadankan dengan apaan juga (menurut bisikan beberapa pihak....) pas dicoba memang terbukti sangat nyaman dipake, model trendy namun harga gak kira2...
Item kedua yang pengen dipunyai adalah jeans dibawah ini, dikeluarkan oleh G-Star,,salah satu merk kondang di eropa sini...(kayanya ya,,abis di seantero benua tokonya ada dimana-mana) nah model yang satu ini pas gw coba kemaren,,,enak bangeet huhuhuh nyaman dipake,bahannya lemas dengan tampilan perkasa (bodi binaraga, jiwa balerina),,tapi problemnya sama,,,harganya booow...masi blom didiskon juga,,skalinya diskon bukan model yang ini,,,aaarrrrggghhh engkau tidak adil...btw harga = 119 euro saja.. tapi model ini sedikit mengandung unsur politis gak sih,,liat deh ada jaitan bentuk bintangnya israel di depannya,,gw si gak masalah,,tapi ntar kalo ada yang bawel di indo kan males juga...haaaahh...
The third item,,,,adalah jaket ini,,,,keluarannya g-star jg...harganya lupa sekitaran 70-90 euro lah..pokoknya lumayan unik bentuknya,.jadi pengen,,,pas dicoba berat si,,,tapi nampak hangat kalo lagi berangin2
Last but not least...tas punggung aneh,,,dari replay.,..harga ntah..udah gelap mata,,kesal,,,kenapa 1 euro=11000,,,jadi nya pas mo beli ada beban mental masi banyak orang kelaparan diluar sana,,,,(halah.....padahal mah gak punya duit)hehehehehe,,,
sekian beberapa item dari berjuta2 barang yang pengen dipunyai,,,(is it a word? dipunyai?)

Before Sunset

As requested by one of my friend....

If anyone would have told me a movie about two people discussing a past relationship for 80 minutes would hold my attention, before sunset would be the prove of it.
Before Sunset is a brilliant, romantic, deep-meaning-little film. The beauty of the movie rests in its simplicity and what all good movies rely on, great writing and great performances from the lead characters.

Celine is at home in Paris and after meeting up with Jesse for his booksigning (which take place at the Shakespeare and company bookstore right next to the notre dame).
hehehehe....(this is me,,,at the exact same place where they were standing)
Jesse has only a few hours in Paris before he must catch a flight back home. In the brief time they have together, Celine and Jesse talk without cease, wildly making up for lost time. They discuss their careers, their love lives, their youthful idealism, their adult lack of hope, the state of the world, and the painfully persistent question: what if?.
She takes him to a cafe for a chat, then a walk through a garden and eventually a boat ride down the Seine.
Conversation and confession chips away at their facades and they slowly drop their defenses and expose the regrets, frustrations and what might-have-beens that their meeting stirs up.

Let me sing you a waltz
Out of nowhere, out of my thoughts
Let me sing you a waltz
About this one night stand

You were for me that night
Everything I always dreamt of in life
But now you're gone
You are far gone
All the way to your island of rain

It was for you just a one night thing
But you were much more to me
Just so you know

I hear rumors about you
About all the bad things you do
But when we were together alone
You didn't seem like a player at all

I don't care what they say
I know what you meant for me that day
I just wanted another try
I just wanted another night
Even if it doesn't seem quite right
You meant for me much more
Than anyone I've met before

One single night with you little Jesse
Is worth a thousand with anybody

I have no bitterness, my sweet
I'll never forget this one night thing
Even tomorrow, another arms
My heart will stay yours until I die

Let me sing you a waltz
Out of nowhere, out of my blues
Let me sing you a waltz
About this lovely one night stand

Masak spagetthi ala bolognaisse

Spagethi Bolognaisse...

1. 1 Bungkus spagethi yang biologis biar gak bikin gemuk
2. Spaghethi Pasta merk bertolli yang Rustico3. Tomato Puree beli yang kecil aja
4. Saos Tomat merk Heinz (wajib heinz)

5. Daging sapi cincang yang masi segar
6. Paprika Merah dan Hijau
7. Corgette (Ketimun juga gapapa kalo gada Corgette)
8. Jamur yang putih itu lo
9. Bawang bombay dan bawang putih bubuk (biar gampang)
10. Extra virgin olive oil (biar gak bikin gemuk)
11. Kaldu sapi merk maggi
12. Garam dapur
13. Italiaans kruiden (italian herbs di indo mungkin di setiabudi supermarket ada)
14. Merica, cyanne pepper, paprika poeder

1. Panaskan 1 sendok makan minyak zaitun trus tumis2 daging cincangnya sampe minyak2 dan lemak2 daging cincangnya keluar,,,jangan lupa kasi garam dan merica yang banyak biar asin...
2. Udah itu minyak2 dan lemak2nya dibuang...trus dagingnya ditiriskan.,,,
3. Rebus air yang banyak tambahkan minyak dan garam berlebih ke dalam aer itu,,,buat ngerebus spagethhi nya
4. Panaskan minyak 2 sendok makan di penggorengan, tumis bawang bombay, bawang putih, paprika, jamur, dan corgette,,,sampe wangi dan sedikit layu
5. Masukkan daging yang tadi dah ditiriskan....aduk2 bentar,,
6. Masukkan bertolli pastanya,,gak usah banyak2 setengah botol aja,,
7. Masukkan tomato puree nya,,,trus italian herbs dan maggi blok nya (1 blok aja)
8. Aduk2 tambahkan aer dikit, kecilkan api tinggal kan beberapa saat
9. Setelah air yang tadi disiapkan di point no 2 mendidih, masukkan spagethinya,,ati2 jangan sampe ada yang putus,,,setelah 6 menit direbus...tiriskan langsung siram pake air dingin sambil dibolak-balik pake tangan aja(susah jelasinnya ternyata,,)pokoknya biar dia gak nempel..
10. Udah dingin,,masukin dikit2 ke penggorengan yang sudah dibiarkan di point no 8.
11. Aduk pelaan-pelan,,jangan sampe mutusin spagethinya,,,sudah gitu,,
12. Hidangkan selagi hangat, bersama musik2 ringan sambil nonton dvd pun oke...

Friday, July 6, 2007

That's why! Rotterdam

What makes Rotterdam the city is? It is the atmosphere of the monumental buildings in the city? The Erasmus Bridge and naturally the Euromast, which is in the middle of all action, have become the symbol of the city.

Maybe you think of the Maas, the cube houses or the harbor or maybe the cozy inner city? It is clear for everyone the city is different. Even if the buildings are the same, everyone sees them through their own eyes.

For me, june is the hottest month of the year (so far), it is very busy in ice cream parlors. And why not, the mercury almost reaches 30 degrees and i think it is the very first hot wave of the year..(in Jakarta, 32-34 is normal)....
A city like Rotterdam has a lot to offer : there is a center with an extensive offering of shops, varying from popular department stores (e.g : H&M, V&D, C&A, and so on) to the smaller, more exclusive boutiques of well know brands. There are city parks, and there are the rivers and canals that cross throughout the city. Picture below is the BeursPlein, a modern shopping center in the heart of Rotterdam In designing Rotterdam's Beursplein Promenade, the designer consciously juxtaposed old and new, blending stone walls and portals with metal and glass. There is one beautiful place in Rotterdam, one of my favorite, Delfshaven. I think it is one of the most beautiful parts of Rotterdam. If you visiting Holland, then you should go here by yourself. It is a very old part of Rotterdam, it was Delft territory at the 1400(old isn't it?).
There is an unique site in Rotterdam, not an old building, it is a modern apartment complex with bright full color around. Well it is not that interesting for you maybe, but for me it is awesome. This place located at Leuvenhaven, looking in the direction of Boompjes. The three buildings near the Erasmusbrug are lit in the primary colors.